All photography provided by Kate Simon
I have been open to spirit since I was a small child. I heard and sensed many things that frightened me when I was younger. These early experiences greatly informed who I am and how I practice today.
how did i get here?
The one practice that has informed my offerings more than anything else is dance. I have been dancing since I was 4 years old and I believe it is the foundation for all that I sense and feel today. My undergraduate degree is in Dance and Choreography from Virginia Commonwealth University. It was there that I began to learn about breath work, mindfulness techniques, embodiment, visualization, meditation and yoga. I was also unknowingly learning how to read energy! After a career ending injury while living in Brooklyn, NY, I made my way back home. I was depressed and lost, having had to give up on my dream of being a modern dancer.
My partner and I lost a child when we were 26 years old and that experience catapulted me towards my acupuncture career. I studied in Portland, Or at the National University of Natural Medicine. I earned my Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and became an acupuncturist in 2013. During school, my intuitive gifts began coming back online in a powerful way. I began to have psychic and mediumship experiences that I was not expecting. After graduating, I moved back home and married my high school sweetheart who is also the previously mentioned partner. ( Yes, we’ve had an epic love story spanning 20+ years already!)
In 2017, our first daughter, Josephine was stillborn. It took being thrown head first into grief to truly begin to come into my gifts as an energy healer. I began to include mediumship and sound healing during in person treatments because it was happening organically during sessions. I bow deeply in gratitude to our daughter for teaching me how to live fully and bravely in order to honor her life.
In 2021, I began to publicly offer my psychic and mediumship skills. I also began incorporating my voice into healing sessions. It has been a super vulnerable experience for me but I can’t deny how beautifully sound and voice moves energy, calms the nervous system and taps right into the spirit realms. 2022 brought so much unexpected growth and change. I realized that some huge shifts in my life needed to happen and that I was going to have to commit to my self care on a whole new level. I made a commitment to my physical health and started going back to the gym consistently. My renewed physical strength has been an incredible catalyst for expanding my spiritual gifts!
2023 and 2024 have been full of energy, clarity, and creativity. I have expanded my business to teaching online classes and I LOVE being able to connect with folks all over the world. I’m leaning into my discomfort and it has been magnificent for my growth. I will be a forever student and am always hungry to learn and share. I am looking forward to more teaching opportunities in 2025 as well as developing a specific mentorship program to help others develop their psychic and mediumship abilities. I am so deeply grateful to everyone I have worked with and will work with in the future, I learn so much from you all. I am finally able to confidently weave together all that I have learned and remembered from the depths of my soul through many, many lifetimes.
“Your treatment has been one of the best things that has happened for me and my mental and emotional wellbeing in decades.”