All photography provided by Kate Simon
Psychic Sessions
connecting soul to soul, psychic sessions will bring to light what is holding you back, help to answer big life questions, and bring peace through confirmation of your souls deepest desires.
What to expect in a session?
I am able to read the energy that is within you and surrounds you to gain information. We each have our own personal energetic radio station and I am tuning in to understand what makes you unique. The information that I attain is always in service of your health and wholeness. That doesn’t mean that I will tell you what you want to hear. It means that we are seeking a deeper truth around how to bring you towards living your fullest life. I am validating what you inherently know on a deep level. I recommend setting your intention to be as open as possible in a session. There is no guarantee that the exact information that you want will come through in a yes or no answer. Spirit has creative ways of delivering information so that you are also active participant in the discovery process.
We always begin by creating a protected, open and clear space together by dropping into our heart spaces. I make it a point of requesting actionable steps and guidance from Spirit. This way you will be able to use the information and apply it to the material world moving forward after our session. Then we use breath to connect into your energy centers. Here I will gain information and guidance for you. I receive images, sensations, and insights that we decipher together. Spirit uses my background in dance, Chinese Medicine, somatics, nutrition, herbs, breath work, yoga and meditation to offer places to apply the information you receive. If I am guided to do energy work for you during a psychic session I will. Often we need help moving energy to fully move forward. I use my hands and voice to move energetic blocks.
We will also make time towards the end of the session for you to ask any questions you might have that we didn’t touch on. We will also take a few minutes towards the end of our session for you to share anything that you feel compelled to flesh out or confirm. We close the session together as we remember that energy never ceases to exist and know that you will continue to have insights and downloads well after our session is finished.