The body is a fucking wonderland of information!

John Mayer was onto something with that song, “Your Body is a Wonderland” because truly it is. 

Here’s what you may not realize, every single thing your body does, has, shows you is in service of your HEALTH AND WHOLENESS. Do those messages get delivered in a pain free, easy way? No, not always. Yet, they are all important messages if we take the time to get curious, listen and seek deeper meaning. 


Here’s where learning to locate the acupuncture meridians starts to make sense.

They can help you to decode your symptoms, your subconscious and even why you chose to put a tattoo in a certain place on your body.

Once you have gotten the decoder ring (The Meridians) out of the cereal box (Chinese Medicine) you begin to have those magical, breakthrough, skin tingling, tears streaming down your face “a-ha!” moments of understanding why your life has played out the way it has and what you can do to jettison your healing forward. 

When we locate the Meridians, you will find tender places, painful places, zingy places, hurts so good places and “Aaahhhhh…” relaxation places along these channels (think of them as rivers!), you’re making an unmistakable connection here because you can LITERALLY FEEL these places. They inform you. 

You get curious and then you say… 

But what does this tender spot tell me? 

What does it all mean?

This is why we will also discuss what these Meridians mean. 


They are all connected to organs like the Kidneys or the Heart. These organs are so much more than just the physical organ. They are emotional and spiritual in nature as well.

The beauty of Chinese Medicine is that it uses symbols, metaphors, archetypes, animals, colors, emotions and stories to help you understand what the heck these meridians are all about. The Meridians contain these little points that are just like tiny people trying to hollar at you and get your attention. They each have names, personalities, strengths, talents, and gifts that they want to share with you! And when you begin to understand the meridians and the points they contain, you begin to understand yourself. Once you can understand yourself on a deeper level, you begin to have hope, feel empowered, can look at yourself through a new lens and have an ancient and effective tool in your tool kit.


When is the Masterclass?

The live date has passed but that doesn’t mean you have to miss out!
Get the Recording now!

What’S included:

When you sign up for the Meridians Masterclass: How To Locate The Acupuncture Meridians & Understand Their Meaning, you will get:

  • A live walkthrough to map the Meridians on your body together! This is gonna be fun and informative. We’ll make some pit stops along the way but won’t be going over all the acupuncture points (that would take way too fucking long)!

  • Then we’ll dive into the meaning behind the 12 main Meridians so that you can begin to make sense of what your beautiful, communicative body has already clued you into.

  • Evergreen access to the recording of the Masterclass 

  • PDF guide of the meridians and a detailed description of the meaning of the meridians

Come with a curious mind!

Once you understand the meaning attached to the meridians so many of your life experiences, what you intuitively feel, and what defines you will take on greater depth and significance. 

Sign up now for ONLY 99.00 USD