All photography provided by Kate Simon

Holistic Pelvic Care™ is a technique developed by my teacher Tami Lynn Kent, a women’s health physical therapist. It addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual health of a woman by tending to her whole pelvic bowl and reproductive system.


What to expect in a session:

Holistic Pelvic Care ™ includes internal vaginal myofascial massage as well as external energetic work on the whole pelvis and reproductive system. The goal of the treatment is to empower each individual woman, to help bring awareness to her body, and unearth any emotion or belief that she may be holding in her most sacred and fertile ground, her pelvis!

A very important part of the way I practice, is to make sure that I ask each woman for permission to do internal work. I teach each woman what yes and no feels like in her body. In doing this, we are re-establishing a woman’s relationship with her deep and inherent intuition about what is best for her health and wholeness at that moment in time. Each time we meet, her body may ask for a something different. Even if we never do internal work, the energetic, external work is just as powerful and effective.

Emily listens to what my body is asking for and, thanks to her, I am learning to do the same. It’s deep, its real and she’s here for it like the soul mama you never knew you needed.
— Holly L.