“I’m here, Mama,” she whispered in my left ear.

I was standing on the back deck of a house-sitting gig looking towards the fading light of the day. As my dog Tyrone sniffed around the yard, checking on the chickens and looking for the perfect spot to take care of business, I got an answer to a question I’ll never forget. I had asked out loud, “Am I pregnant?” And our daughter Josephine whispered with clarity that she was indeed here. It was the first time I had ever had a no doubt about it clairaudient experience.  

Has this ever happened to you?

Did you know that most people have one ear that Spirit and loved ones in spirit will whisper in?

It’s true. My left ear is special. I can’t fit any earbuds in it. It’s like my body created a shape that can’t be plugged up. And for good reason!

That’s my Spirit ear and I need it open for business! 

In my new Intuition, Psychic and Mediumship Development class, I’ll be teaching you how to open yourself up to receive messages more clearly, consistently and confidently. This is a perfect class for ANYONE who is at ANY PHASE of their spiritual development journey. I will be sharing tools, tips, meditations, and prompts that I WISH I HAD at the beginning of my journey. This class is also amazing for anyone who is further along on their journey because we’re always learning and growing on this path. You will learn different perspectives that will help you to coalesce what you have already learned. I find for myself that when I find the points of validation from another practitioner, it is so rewarding and bolsters my desire to continue this work. 

What’s Included:

When you sign up for this Class, Intuition, Psychic and Mediumship Development, you will get:

  • I walk you through the tips and practices I wish I knew when I first began: finding your why, steps you can take to develop your skills, integrating meditation and journaling into your practice and best practices on using your gifts with others.

  • Guide on Psychic and Mediumship Meditations to can integrate into your practice

  • Psychic and Mediumship Journaling Prompts you can

  • Lifetime access to the Replay of the Live, 3-Hour Class

Don’t Miss out on this amazing offer for only 120.00 USD!

Sign-up for this class below